

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


随着改革开放的不断深入,企业所面临的竞争日趋激烈,如何能在全球化背景下的市场竞争中得以生存,成为企业所关注的热点问题。蓝海战略的提出对于中国企业来说有着强烈的现实意义。通过创造和增加现有产业未提供的某些价值元素,并剔除和减少产业现有的某些价值元素,企业就有可能同时获得“差异化”和“成本领先”优势。蓝海战略的出现带给中国企业的影响是深远的,我们不可盲目的去制定和实施蓝海战略,应具体分析企业自身的情况以及所处行业的特征,从而寻找到适合企业发展的蓝海。【关键词(本论文范文的主要论点)】 蓝海战略 竞争战略 可持续发展Abstract
With the further development of economic reform in China, the competition of companies has become more intensity. How to survive under the environment of globalization and market competition, have caused more attentions among companies. The proposing of blue ocean strategy is very important for Chinese companies. By creating or adding some new valuable components which not offered in industries, and rejecting or reducing some current value components, companies might achieve advantages in differentiation and cost-leadership at the same time. The influences of blue ocean strategy are very deeper among Chinese companies. It is not right to adopt and implement blue ocean strategy without any research. Companies should analyze their own situation and industrial characteristics, and then find the suitable blue ocean to fit with the development of their own.
Keywords:  blue ocean strategy  competitive strategies  sustainable development

