

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


随着教育的改革、高等院校的扩招、就业压力的增加,各种问题为体育教育专业田径专修学生综合素质的培养提出了新的要求。本文分别选取了滨州学院体育教育专业田径专修07、08级的学生作为调查的对象。采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、专家访谈法、系统分析法,对滨州学院体育教育专业田径专修学生综合素质培养状况进行分析与研究,发现其中存在的问题并找出解决问题的方法,从而为将滨州学院田径专修学生培养成为合格的体育复合型人才,尤其是体育教育方面的专门人才指明了方向。另外针对在田径教学方面存在的主要问题,提出在田径教学中应改善的教学方式及方法,以提高教学效率。 本文主要从思想观念、知识与技能、社会适应能力三个方面对滨州学院体育教育专业田径专修学生的综合素质进行研究。通过研究得出滨州学院田径专修学生这三方面距社会对体育教育专业学生的要求还有一定差距,因此这三方面都需要加强。


The Binzhou  university athletics educate professional farmland path to specialize in a student comprehensive the character survey study
 Because the educational reform, high etc. college expands to recruit, the increment of the employment pressure, various problem educates professional farmland path to specialize in the development that the student synthesizes character to make a new request for athletics.This text selected by examinations the strand athletics in the college of state to educate the student whom the professional farmland path specializes in 07, 08 classes as to investigate object respectively.Adopted the cultural heritage data method,  to the strand athletics in the college of state educate professional farmland path to specialize in a student comprehensive character development the condition carry on survey and analysis and pose the problem and solution of current existence, thus for specialize in the strand farmland path in the college of state the student develop to become the qualified athletics compound type talented person, particularly is athletics education of the specialized talented person indicated a direction.Aim at another strand athletics in the college of state to educate professional farmland path to specialize in the problem that the student develops aspect existence in the comprehensive character, put forward farmland path teaching in should notice and improved of various problem to increase the effect of teaching.Pass research enunciation:athletics' educating professional farmland path to specialize in comprehensive character development of student should follow close behind a society development, teaching method and idea of athletics teaching .

Key words:the farmland path specialize in a student;Comprehensive character;The athletics educates;Develop


引言 1
第一章 研究对象和研究方法 1
1.1 研究对象 1
1.2 研究方法 1
1.2.1 文献资料法 1
1.2.2 问卷调查法 1
1.2.3 数理统计法 2
1.2.4 专家访谈法 2
1.2.5 系统分析法 2
第二章 研究结果与分析 2
2.1 思想观念的现状与分析 2
2.2 知识与技能现状与分析 3
2.3 社会适应能力现状与分析 4
第三章  结论与对策 5
3.1结论 5
3.2滨州学院体育教育专业田径专修学生综合素质培养对策 5
3.2.1 不断完善教学目标 5
3.2.2 不断提高教师教学水平 5
3.2.3 树立现代教育观 5
3.2.4 构建良好的课外学习氛围 5
谢辞 9
附录 10


