

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:体育教学  素质教育综合素质  个性培养 个性差异





Sports teaching how to implement quality education
    Entering the 21st century the economy, education should also the needs of the development of the 21st century education reform, deepening, to cultivate talents for basis points. Examination-oriented education to quality gradually from education transformation. Quality education is the essence of cultivating students face all student, featuring the all-round development of development. And in a particular physical education is carried out in the environment, undertake to the student quality education, compared with other disciplines, has its generality, more has its particularity. Sports teaching as quality education, to enhance students' part of the comprehensive quality of students, creative thinking, organizational ability, independent ability, the ability to work, moral and raising the level of physical and psychological quality of the training throughout the whole process of sports teaching. Pay attention to student's personality and individual differences, cultivate qualified students do new period successor.
Keywords: sports teaching quality education comprehensive quality personality of individual differences

目  录
引言 1
第一章   国内体育教学的教学现状 1
1.1 追求高升学率,忽视体育的作用 1
1.2教师结构的不合理,教学内容和方法的单一 1
1.3体育教学设施的缺乏 2
1.4体育教学目标单一,教学内容的竞技化 2
1.5体育教学内容枯燥,思维呆板 2
1.6望风施舵 3
第二章   国内体育教学现状的原因及现象分析 3
2.1传统观念对体育的偏见 3
2.2学校体育教学设施长期得不到改善 3
2.3学生学业压力大,没有充足的课余时间 4
2.4“放羊式”和“说教式”的教学方发“倍受青睐” 4
第三章 学校体育教学中如何贯彻素质教育 4
3.1完善学校体育教学设施和宣传体育 4
3.2体育教师要不断提高自身素质 5
3.3学校体育教学中要注重培养学生个性 5
3.4注意培养学生的创造性思维 5
3.5注意学生能力的培养 6
3.6体育教学应该打破常规的教学模式 6
第四章 结论 7
参考文献: 8


