

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


近年来,红色旅游作为一种专项旅游活动,具有较高的经济、社会效益及深远的政治影响。随着中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发的《2004--2010全国红色旅游发展规划纲要》的出台,我国的红色旅游不断升温,红色旅游开发成为旅游开发的新亮点。山东省红色旅游资源丰富 ,具备发展红色旅游的先决条件。本文运用对比法、社会调查法、文献搜集法、实地考察法等研究方法,首先阐述了山东省红色旅游资源概况 ,分析了山东省发展红色旅游的优劣势,并在此基础上提出了红色旅游的开发策略以及在旅游开发过程中应注意的问题,如在开发过程中应遵循市场性原则、节约性原则,加强对基础设施的建设等。这些措施的实施有利于山东省红色旅游更好更快的发展,促进红色旅游地区经济的发展。

Shandong, the development of
red tourism and research


In recent years, red the tour is particularly 1 kind item tour activity, have higher of economy, society performance and profound of political influence.Along with medium total the central office, office in State Department print hair of 《2004-2010 whole country red tour development programming outline 》of set, our country of red tour continuously heat, red tour development become tour development of new a little bit bright.Shandong province red tour resources abundant, have development red tour of precondition.This text elaborated Shandong province red tour resources general situation first, analysis Shandong province development red tour of good and bad power, and put forward on this foundation red tour of development strategy and in the tour the development the process should attention of problem.Usage contrast method, society investigate method, cultural heritage collection method, on-the-spot investigation method etc. research method to Shandong province red tour of development carry on meticulous thoroughly research, put forward concrete of solution, such as in the development the process should follow a market principle, economy principle, strengthen to the infrastructure of construction etc..These measure of implement be advantageous to Shandong province red tour better sooner of development, promote red tour region economy of development, people life level of exaltation.

Key words: Shandong Province; red tourism; status quo; prospect

