

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


城市是繁荣的结晶、文明的标志,城市的发展离不开文化的影响。城市从诞生开始,它的每块砖瓦、每条街巷,及其兴盛和衰落,都与特定的文化有着密切的关系。城市的景观、建筑是一种文化品位的反映,城市居民的生产和生活方式都带有文化的烙印。任何城市都处于特定的地理位置,拥有不同的自然环境,人类要生存就必须学会适应自然环境,在适应环境的过程中环境也对人的行为方式、心理状态、生活习惯等发生着潜移默化的影响,并在此基础上对城市文化的形成发展产生影响,形成文化上的差异。由此可见,地理环境对城市文化产生了深刻的影响。本文以滨州市为研究对象,分析滨州市的地理环境,包括地理位置、面积、地质地貌等自然环境和自然资源条件;在此基础上形成的滨州市绚丽多彩的城市文化;探讨滨州市地理环境对其城市文化的影响。根据分析研究,对滨州市城市文化的未来发展提出合理性建议和可行性措施。关键词:城市文化 滨州市 地理环境 影响 发展
The geographical environment’s influence on urban culture
--------------analysis on Binzhou City
City is the prosperous crystal and the sign of civilization. The city's development is inseparable from culture.  Starting from the birth of the city, its every brick block, each street, and the prosperity and decline, with a particular culture has a close relationship.  Urban landscape, architecture is a reflection of cultural taste, the production of urban culture and lifestyle with the brand.
Any city is in a specific geographical location, has a different natural environment. Tuman must learn to survive and adapt to the environment. In the process of adaptation to the environment, environment also affects human’s behavior, such as psychological status, life habits. And on this basis, the environment affects the formation and development of urban culture. This has made the differents of culture. Thus, the geographical environment has a profound impact in urban culture.
In this paper, Binzhou City, as the research object, there is the analysis of her geographical environment, including geographical location, size, geology and geomorphology, the natural environment and natural resources conditions, and in this geographical formed Binzhou City’s colorful urban culture. Discussions are here about  Binzhou City’s geographical impact of its urban culture.  According to analysis of Binzhou City, the future development of urban culture, reasonableness and feasibility of the proposed measures  are  raised.
Key Words: urban culture  Binzhou City  Geographical environment  affect   development

