

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




It is very important to get rid of the stale and bring for the fresh in education for all-round development of musical innovation. It should set up kind of experience to bring out the interest or the appreciation of the student to learn music as they are the main part. Meanwhile it also should cultivate their innovative abilities with their creativity and imagination. In class, the teachers would choose some teaching materials which are suited to mental and physical development of the students and those materials contain innovation in teaching content, methods and evaluation but not to imitate foreign mode of education. According to Chinese students’ chrematistics there should carry out different level of education by use of class teaching, group tutorship in class or out of class, and practice teaching form. It is better to courage student instead of deciding them by paper marks. To develop the students’ interest and appreciation is the way to reach the goals of musical innovative education.

Keywords: musical education, education for all-round development, innovation, appreciation

