

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Quality education is largely through classroom teaching to implement, and music education is the comprehensive promotion of quality education in an important way. It urged a music teacher in the music teaching in the classroom teaching the main battlefield. Heartfelt, like music and ecstasy into teaching music to use music education to students of this important means to cultivate emotional, and intellectual development of interest in culture in order to achieve objective of improving the overall quality of students. In this paper, professional music education classroom teaching students the ability to train on. Good music teachers, music should have the corresponding level, with a music teacher in the classroom teaching of music in need of professional knowledge and professional skills, with classroom teaching ability, to complete the “second class” various tasks, such as music, this is Quality requirements, the requirements of the times, the requirements of social development. Therefore, training of professional music education student teaching ability is very necessary.

Keywords: Music education; Quality education classroom teaching; Capacity-building


