

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


本文通过对长沙市物流市场竞争特点的研究,从问题出发,经过调查,网上查询,并进行了相应的数据处理,与历年的物流经济数据相比较,关于对长沙市物流市场竞争的特点,得到了如下几点:物流业增速放缓,仍然保持了较快增长;物流市场“先热后冷”,国际化竞争更为激烈;物流企业加速分化,综合型、创新型业务优势呈现;企业物流调整优化,联动发展升级转型;区域物流加强合作,物流集聚区逐步成型等。并对物流业市场竞争的研究提出了一些可观性问题,进行了深度分析,以及给出了可实施的一些建议。在数据处理中相应使用了Excel表格数据统计,以及Spss统计软件等。[关键词]  物流业;市场竞争;区域物流;电子商务
[ABSTRACT]  By analysing the characteristics of competition in Changsha logistics market, through investigation and online inquiry, and processing the corresponding data, as well as comparing with the logistics economic data over the years,this article has obtained some important points about characteristics of competition in Changsha logistics market as follows: The speed of logistics growthhas been slowing, but it still keeps a high rise. Logistics market has entered into the period called "first hot second cold", International competition has becoming fiercer; Logistics enterprise has accelerated differentiation; Synthesizing and innovative business has presented their advantages ; Internal logistics has optimized their adjustment ;Linkage development has upgraded and transformed ; Regional logistics has strengthened cooperation and logistics gathering area gradually formed. etc. This article puts forward some considerable questions concerning competition research in logistics market, and analysed these questions from the deep points. Besides that, it also gives some suggestions that can be implemented.
In data processing, Excel form data statistics, and Spss, etc. are used correspondingly.
[KEY WORDS]  logistics industry;market competition;regional logistic;e-commerce

