

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:在我国经济结构转型和高速发展的过程中,城市流浪儿童成了城市中一道独特的风景线。他们大多衣衫褴褛,蓬头垢面,漫无目的的走在街上,与我国建设和谐社会的宗旨不相符合。本文以长沙市为例,对流浪儿童的基本情况包括其基本生存状况,流浪原因以及救助机构目前面临的问题进行了分析,并提出了解决流浪儿童问题相关的对策建议。

The Research On The Survival Status Quo Of Urban Street Children
A Case Study of Changsha City
Abstract:With China's economic restructuring and the process of rapid development, urban street children has become a unique urban landscape, Most of them are ragged, unkempt, walking aimlessly in the street, Which is not accordance with our aim of building a harmonious society. this paper as an example of Changsha City, on the basic situation of street children, including their basic living conditions, as well as the reasons for relief agencies stray current problems facing the analysis and put forward suggestions to solve the problem of street children-related countermeasures and proposals.
    Key words: Street children;Stray reasons;Analysis


