

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年






The Electric Power Enterprise Internal Audit Problems Research
Since the reform and opening up, power enterprises have made great progress. With the further development of electric power companies and electric power system reform, establishment and improvement of electric power enterprises in the modern enterprise system and the effective corporate governance structure of the background, as part of corporate governance, internal auditing increasingly become the focus of attention. Internal audit as an important part of modern enterprises, and improve corporate governance and improve enterprise management is of great significance. At present, due to the power company's internal audit has not been long established, institutional settings, and staffing is not perfect, the working relationship to be further rationalized, how to more effectively carry out internal audits in the power of work has become a priority issue.

Key words: electric power enterprise; corporate governance; internal audit
摘    要 I
Abstract II
1  绪    论 3
1.1  研究目的和意义 3
1.1.1  研究目的 3
1.1.2  研究意义 3
1.2  国内外研究现状 3
1.2.1  国内研究现状 3
1.2.2  国外研究现状 4
1.3  研究思路 5
1.3.1  研究思路 5
1.3.2  研究方法 5
2  内部审计概述 6
2.1  内部审计定义 6
2.2  内部审计工作程序 6
2.3  内部审计职能 6
3  电力企业内部审计存在的问题 8
3.1  内部审计人员素质较差 8
3.2  内部审计独立性较差 8
3.3  内部审计机构设置混乱 8
3.4  内部审计范围狭窄 9
3.5  内部审计方式落后 9
4  完善电力企业内部审计的建议 10
4.1  提高内部审计人员的综合素质 10
4.2  提高内部审计独立性 10
4.3  完善内部审计机构设置 10
4.4  拓展审计工作范围 11
4.5  采用较灵活的审计方式和方法 11
5案例分析 13
5.1  案例概况 13
5.2  案例内部审计现状 13
5.2.1  江西省电力企业出现的问题 13
5.2.2  对江西省电力企业出现的问题解决的对策 13
5.3  案例启示 14
结    论 15
参考文献 16
致    谢 17
附    录 18


