

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:通过对娄底市中学网球发展现状的调查研究,发现娄底市各中学网球运动的开展过程中存在学校网球场地不足、学校师资力量缺乏、网球课程开设较少、网球场馆有偿使用产生的消极影响、家长以及学校领导对网球运动不重视等问题,针对此现状提出了一些建议和对策。
A Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasure
of the Tennis Sports in Middle Schools
Abstract:hroughthe ChongqingMunicipal School tennis development of the investigation and study and found that all second-ary schools in ChongqingMunicipality in the sport in the course of the school tennis courts and the inadequate compensation fortheuse of the tennis venues, schools lack qualified teachers, tennis courses opened less, parents and schools The leadership of thesport do not attach importance to such issues, the status quo for this made a number of recommendations and measures.
Key words:secondary schools; sport;status quo;countermeasures


