

全文字数:25000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



    SL-001的开发环境为Windows Xp系统,开发工具为Visual C ++,本论文基于视觉识别技术,在SL-001机器人的基础上研究并设计实现了机器人自主充电。机器人采用锂离子电池,在与充电电源对接成功以后,进行充电。


The research on Autonomous Mobile Robot (ARM) is one of the emphases of mobile robot researching. In recent years, many domestic research organizations and institutions have begun to develop the ARM system.The automatic charging technology can be applied in industrial robots, service robot and other robot toys.
At present, the mobile robot usually uses the high-quality onboard rechargeable batteries to supply to their own power. However, the general can only be maintained for several hours, once the energy is gone, human intervention must be used to charge to the robot. However, if we don not use the artificial recharge, then the robot is in a non-continuous tasks ring, which will hinder the long-term robot autonomy. So, if we are to achieve real long-term autonomy, robots must be able to achieve an environment in which self-supporting.
    The development environment of sl-001 robot is XP system, and the tool is visual c plus plus .This paper which is based on visual recognition technology and the original SL-001 robot, is about the research and realization of the self-charging robot. The robot uses the lithium-ion battery to recharge itself.

Key words: Visual recognition ;Mobile Robot ;  Automatic Electrification
第一章 前言 1
1.1背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 主要工作 2
1.4 论文结构 3
1.5 本章小结 3
第二章 机器人整体体系结构 4
2.1 机器人基本功能与体系结构 4
2.2 SL-001智能机器人平台定位及功能特点 5
2.2.1 主要特点 6
2.2.2 主要配件 7
2.3 本章小结 8
第三章 机器人视觉识别 9
3.1 机器人视觉技术 9
3.2 图像采集与图像处理 9
3.2.1图像预处理 11
3.2.2图像分割 12
3.3 循迹线设计与识别 14
3.4本章小结 15
第四章 机器人控制系统 16
4.1电机选择 16
4.2机器人的运动学模型 18
4.3 PID控制 19
4.3.1控制参数对运动的影响 21
4.3.2控制流程 23
4.4运动控制代码设计 24
4.5 本章小结 25
第五章 自主充电 26
5.1 自主充电相关技术 26
5.2 充电方法 26
5.3 充电过程 28
5.3.1充电流程设计 28
5.3.2充电实现 29
5.4 本章小结 31
第六章 总结 32
致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录A 代码及实验结果 35
附录B 外文翻译 41


