

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



On the Approaches to Translating Trademarks
Abstract:Trademarks play a very important role in the product’s sales. As the economy going global, the trademarks’ translation comes along. Translation is a process of information transmission, and it should be consistent and faithful to original text. Trademarks’ translation is more complex than general translation, so correct and effective methods must be applied into the translation of trademarks. The article presents the language feature of trademark and summarizes five approaches to translating trademarks. They are transliteration ,free translation,sound and meaning, trans-semantic translation, straight usage and creational method. And it also proposes that translators should take local culture and popular psychological identity into consideration, thus avoid making serious translational mistakes. It also emphasizes that translators should pay more attention to convey connotation of product than merely general translation.

Keywords: trademark, translation, approaches to translating trademarks, cultural difference.



关键字:商标, 翻译,  商标翻译方法, 文化差异

