

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:  教师毫无疑问是高校资源的重要组成部分。因而对教师的有效管理显得尤为必要。要发挥绩效考核在师资队伍建设中的作用,不能仅用简单或原始的方法代替。随着以人为本的管理理念日益深入人心, 以研究人、发挥人的积极性的激励理论在管理实践中得到广泛的应用。作为激励理论之一的目标管理理论在对高校教师的科学管理中, 起到了很大的作用。引入目标管理是高校管理改革的有益探索。高校教师的目标管理是一个压力形成和消除不断转换、可控制的活动过程。目标的建立应根据学校共同目标的目的和要求,结合教师的职业特点和个人的实际情况,按照大目标、小步子的原则,使目标的感认值与理想值得到有机统一,形成良性压力,激励教师的上进心和自信心,最大限度地发挥教师的效能。
关键词:  目标管理;绩效考核;高校教师

The Application of Management-by-Objective to Performance Appraisal in University Faculty
Abstract: Without a doubt, faculty is the important component of university resources. Thus the effective management of the faculty is particularly necessary. To play the key role in the faculty team construction, using the simple or original method instead of the performance appraisal is not hold good. With the humanist management idea is slowly filtering into people's minds, the theory in studying and playing people’s enthusiasm is widely applied in the practice of management. As one of the incentive theory, management by objectives plays a very significant role in scientific management of university faculty. Introducing the MBO is the helpful exploration to reform of university management. MBO of university faculty is a process that transforming between stress accruing and stress reducing continuously. The goal should be to establish on the grounds of the common aims and demands, based on faculty’s professional characteristics and the actual situation of personal, in accordance with the principle of making progress with ensuring stability, motivating the faculty’s self-motivation and self-confidence to maximize the efficiency of theirs.
Key words: management-by-objective; performance appraisal; faculty

