

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

黄花菜即可食用又有较高的药用价值,其中有效成分之一类黄酮具有较高的生物活性,可清除人体内自由基、抗菌、抗氧化等。其保健功能和药用价值受到国内外普遍的关注。目前类黄酮做为功能因子已普遍应用到食品、医药、化妆品等各个领域,其提取工艺研究也随之展开。本文以提高黄花菜中类黄酮提取率为研究目的,力图寻找更经济的提取方法,使之易于工业化生产。文中以芦丁为标准样品绘制标准曲线,用紫外分光光度法测定黄花菜中类黄酮含量。分析研究了乙醇浸提法中溶剂浓度、浸提温度、料液比、浸提时间、浸提次数对类黄酮得率的影响,并通过四因素三水平的正交试验,优化得到了黄花菜中类黄酮的最佳提取工艺条件:乙醇浓度为75%,浸提温度为80℃,浸提时间为lh,料液比为1 : 20,浸提次数为2次。实验表明此提取工艺是可行的。


Day-lily is edible, and also is of a higher value in medicine. The effective flavonoids has a high biological activity, which can eliminate body’s free radicals, antibacterial, anti-oxidation. Its medicinal value and function of health care have been the concern at home and abroad. Currently flavonoids as function factors have generally been applied to food, medicine, cosmetics and so on. Its extraction technology researching also will be launched. In this paper, the research purposes is to increase the rate of extraction flavonoids from day-lily, and to find a more economical industrial extraction method .In the paper, the standard curve will be drown according to the standard sample of Rutin, also the flavonoids content will be detected with UV spectrum- photometry. All factors affecting the flavonoids yield for example solvent extraction concentration, extraction temperature, solid-liquid ratio ,extraction time and extraction times are researched. In terms of four factors and three levels of orthogonal tests, the optimal conditions are found as follows: 75% ethanol, extraction temperature about 80℃, extraction time about l h, solid-liquid ratio about 1: 20, extraction times 2. Tests show this technological condition is effective and suitable.

Keywords:day-lily, flavonoids, extraction, ethanol

