

全文字数:19000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

本文研究以废旧聚氯乙烯(PVC)塑料为主要原料,改性PVC提高胶粘剂的性能。氯化聚氯乙烯(CPVC)比PVC有更好的溶解性,通过溶液氯化法制得CPVC,以CPVC为基料加入助剂,制成溶剂型胶粘剂。研究了制备CPVC时其氯含量主要受反应温度、反应时间等的影响。通过单因素法探讨了在CPVC胶粘剂制备过程中影响产品粘接强度的一些主要因素,如溶剂、助剂的选择及用量对产品粘结性能的影响。从而根据实验得出最佳配方及工艺:氯化反应控制在90℃左右,反应时间为4小时,制得含氯65%的CPVC。CPVC用量为100 Phr,混合溶剂(质量比)二氯乙烷、四氢呋喃、环己酮、乙酸乙酯=25:45:6:18。偶联剂酞酸酯用量为20 Phr,柔性聚合物邻苯二甲酸二辛酸用量为20 Phr,填充剂轻质CaC 用量为20 Phr,触变剂用量2 Phr时,所制得胶粘剂性能最好。从而研制出一种成本低、性能好的胶粘剂,用于硬质PVC等材料的粘合。



This paper mainly did researches on the improved adhesive performance of modified PVC that used polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic as raw materials. The solubility of Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) is better than that of PVC. CPVC, obtained from chloride solution, and then added CPVC as the basic material to join the auxiliary, as expected, made of solvent-based adhesives. On the preparation of CPVC, its chlorine content was mainly affected by temperature and time of impact. Through the law of a single factor, this paper analyzed the main factors contributing to adhesive bonding strength of the products in the process of preparation of CPVC, such as the choice of solvents, additives and the amount of adhesive properties of products. According to experiments, the best formula and technology was as follows: Chlorination should be controlled in around 90 ℃, the reaction time was four hours, and then 65% of chlorine in the system of CPVC. The amount of CPVC was 100 Phr, mixed solvents (ratio) dichloroethane, tetrahydrofuran, cyclohexanone, ethyl acetate = 25:45:6:18. When the amount of coupling phthalates is 20 Phr, the flexible polymer phthalate sorrows was 20 Phr, the filler light CaC was 20 Phr, and thixotropic dosage was 2 Phr, the obtained solvents would have the best adhesive properties. Thus, a low cost, good performance adhesive can be developed for hard materials such as PVC glue.

Keywords: used polyvinyl chloride, adhesive bonding strength, adhesive

