

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



内容摘要:传统教学大纲规定固定教学内容、教学任务、评价标准,而新课标则与之不同,提出“健康第一”的指导思想和“以人为本”的课程理念,教学内容、教学手段、教学组织形式以及教学评价方式灵活性有了很大提高。在举国上下推出新课程标准后,给体育教师提出了更高的要求,需要教师转变教学指导思想,尽快适应新课标,并且提升自我,不断的加强知识储备和提高综合素质。然而,当前我国大部分的体育教师并没有做到准确定位,他们一直以课程控制者和执行者自居,为了适应新课标,推行素质教育,体育教师应该将自身定位为新课程理念的阐释者,体育课程的开发者和建设者,与学生平等的合作者与引导者以及体育课程的评价者。只有做好角色定位,才能以优异的观念素质、能力素质和方法素质去主动适应课程改革 ,深层次的开发丰富的课程资源 ,发展地方体育事业,培养出适应社会发展的人才,最终赢得体育教育的主动权和制高点。

关键词:新课标 ;体育教师;角色定位

Abstract: Traditional teaching curriculum fixed content, teaching tasks, evaluation criteria, but the New Curriculum is different, it puts the "Health First"  guiding ideology and "people-oriented" concept of the curriculum, teaching content, teaching methods,the organizational forms and the evaluation of teaching have greatly improved their flexibility. In the nation after the introduction of new curriculum standards for physical education ,teachers put forward higher requirements, they ask teachers to change teaching guiding ideology, in order to adapt to the New Curriculum, and to upgrade themselves continuously to strengthen knowledge and improve their overall quality of the reserves. However, most of the physical education teachers in China did not achieve accurate positioning currently, they have control over the curriculum .In order to meet the New Curriculum, to push quality education, physical education teachers should be positioning itself to explain the concept of the new curriculum , to be developers and builders of sports curriculum,an equal partner with students ,a guide with the students as well as the evaluator of Physica Education.  Only we do the job well ,we could exploit rich curriculum resources in deep-levelorder ,develop local sports culture ,cultivate talent who adapt to the development of society ,and finally acquire initiative and commanding height of Physical Education

Key words: the New Curriculum;teachers of Physical Education;fix one’s position

