

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




 自2000年以来,中国社会已逐渐步入老龄化 ,养老已不仅是家庭问题,而是作为一个社会问题日益突出。同时,中国由20世纪80年代开始实施的计划生育政策,使大多数家庭形成了“4-2-1”结构,造成了独生子女养老的极大压力。如何解决这一问题,不仅对中国经济持久性发展具有现实意义,更是社会能否稳定过渡转型的重要环节。因此,本文将以江苏省宜兴市新型农村养老保险“征、监、管相分离、政企协作共办新农保 ”的运作模式为农村新农保典型,以铜陵市为城镇居民养老典型,找出对养老金保值以至增值的合适财务管理机制,政府机制与家庭准备相结合,减轻子女赡养老人负担,最终达到“老有所养”。研究结果将从财务角度向社会养老基金管理者提供有益建议,具有一定参考价值。

关键词:养老金 财务管理 新农保




Study on Mechanism of pension financial management

Since 2000, China has gradually entered the aging society, pension problem becomes increasingly prominent,not only as a family problem, but also a society  problem.  Meanwhile, the implementation of the 1983 family planning policy has put great pressure on single child.  This problem relates both to the sustainability of economic development, and the stability of social transformation. Therefore, this article will take two typical examples for intender survey.  One is the new rural endowment insurance mode in Yixing City, the other is the citizen pension plan in Tongling City. Through the investigation, it’s possible to find a proper pension financial management mechanism which is intended on the preservation as well as the appreciation of the pension. Besides, government mechanism and the family preparation should work together to reduce the burden of child supporting for the elderly, and ultimately to achieve the goal of a sense of security. The survey result will provide some useful recommendations to social pension fund managers from financial view.

Keywords: pension  financial management   New Rural Insurance

