

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:“财务分析是指利用财务报表及其他有关资料,运用科学方法对企业财务状况和经营成果进行比较、评价,有利企业经营管理者、投资者、债权人及政府有关部门掌握企业财务活动情况和进行经营决策的一项财务管理工作。通过对企业等经济组织过去和现在有关筹资活动、投资活动、经营活动、分配活动的偿债能力、营运能力、盈利能力和状况等进行分析,反映企业在运营过程中的利弊得失、财务状况及发展趋势,为改进企业管理工作和优化经营决策提供重要的财务信息。本文通过对维达纸业集团07、08、09年的财务报表进行分析同时还联系企业的实际情况来正确指出该公司在经营、管理方面存在的一些问题,并提出相应的建议,以便企业管理者能够更好地了解企业、管理企业。

Vinda Paper Group Financial Analysis And Evaluation

Abstract:Abstract: "Financial analysis refers to making use of financial statements and other relevant information, using scientific methods to the financial position of enterprise and operating results to compare, evaluate。It enables business managers, investors, creditors and government departments grasp the situation and corporate finance activities operate a financial management decision-making. By analysing the enterprises and other economic organizations of past and present related financing activities, investment activities, business activities, solvency of distribution activities , operation capacity, profitability and status, it can reflects the advantages and disadvantages of the process operations, financial position and development trends, and to improve enterprise management and optimize the business decision to provide important financial information. This article   passes some analysis on 07,08,09 years of financial statements of Weida Paper [Zhejiang] Limited Company and is also linked to the actual situation of the right business to point out some existing problems which exists in the company operation and  management and to make appropriate recommendations for business managers to better understand the business and manage the companies.
Key words:Weida Paper; financial condition; financial analysis

