

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:本文分析的是银行上市公司的盈利能力,以民生银行为代表,根据2008-2010年的相关财务报表的指标对其盈利能力进行分析,并结合另外2家银行上市公司兴业银行和招商银行的盈利能力进行横向对比,从中寻找一些能够让中国银行业更健康发展的自己的一些见解。
关键字:银行; 盈利能力; 比较; 指标

Analysis on Profitability of Listed Banks

Abstract:The article is aimed at analyzing the profitability of listed banks by calculating some related indexes. By comparing the profitability of minsheng bank with several other representative listed banks. Through the comparision , the analysis showes that the profitability of listed banks have significantly improved, indicating that the banking market have adjusted itself to the changing environment , and it also mainly due to the policys changes. The article is mainly written to provide some of my own opinions on the better development of the banks in China.
Key words: Banks ;profitability;comparison;index



目    录

一、引言 1
二、盈利能力分析的内容及目的 1
三、银行行业介绍 2
(一)银行现状 2
(二)民生银行简介 4
四、银行相关财务数据 5
五、盈利能力比较分析 8
(一)资本经营能力变化分析 8
(二)商品经营能力变化分析 9
(三)上市公司盈利能力分析 10
六、对于民生银行2011年度财务报表的详细分析 11
七、民生银行定向增发对于盈利能力的影响 12
八、进一步提高盈利能力的意见 14
九、结束语 15
参考文献 16

