

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:中央电视台节目主持人崔永元凭借自己极具个性魅力的主持风格,受到了业界专家的肯定和广大观众的欢迎,成为我国新时期优秀电视节目主持人的代表人物。本文旨在分析和肯定崔永元主持风格的特点,并探寻其形成的原因。首先通过崔永元一个个的节目主持个案分析他的主持风格特点,认为崔永元的主持笑声里闪烁智慧,随意中独具匠心。并具体归纳出其主持人风格特点。再从家庭教育的影响、记者经历的历练、精神世界的坚守三个方面来分析崔永元主持风格形成的原因。认为正是这几个方面的原因塑造了崔永元的个性风格,而崔永元个性化的主持风格正来源于其自身的个性风格,其人格魅力更决定了他的主持魅力。
关键词: 崔永元; 主持风格; 真诚; 幽默; 忧患意识

Abstract: Cui Yongyuan, the talk-show program host in CCTV who is highly praised by professionals and widely appreciated by audience, is considered one of the most eminent comperes as his natural and characteristic style. This essay mainly focuses on analyzing Cui’s compere style and specialties, and exploring the process of the forming. Firstly, the essay analyzes his feature through case study, points out his trait of showing his ingenuity with an inventive mind alone delivered by his humorous language, and subsequently considers this manner showing as his pure-hearted attitude, facetious talk and integrated mature thoughts. Then the essay construes the forming causasions by analyzing his education background, experience of journalist, and the holding of his spiritual ground. It summits that those are the very reasons of his character, which leads to his individual popular presiding style. His charm manners and personality is the basic reason of his successful career.
Keywords: Cui Yongyuan; Presiding style ;Pure-hearted ;Humor ;Integrated Mature Thoughts

