

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
本文是对辽宁省某新建城镇进行污水处理厂的设计,包括污水总泵站、污水厂的设计以及污泥处理。污水处理工艺选择厌氧—缺氧—好氧同步脱氮除磷法,即 法。该地区的进水水质为COD=300mg/L,BOD5=150mg/L,SS=150mg/L,TN=25mg/L,NH4+-N=30mg/L,pH=6-9。污水以有机物为主,BOD/COD =0.6,可生化性较好,重金属及其他难以生物降解的有毒有害污染物一般不超标。该工艺污水处理流程为:污水→格栅→泵站→沉砂池→初沉池→反应池→二沉池→消毒→排放水体,通过此工艺的处理,出水水质将达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)二级标准。污泥进行浓缩消化处理后在脱水机房制成泥饼运走。污泥的处理和处置主要有减量化、稳定化、资源化。污水处理厂污泥的稳定化技术主要采用厌氧消化、污泥堆肥以及污泥焚烧等。污泥浓缩、脱水以及焚烧是污泥减容的主要技术。
关键词:污水处理厂, 法,除磷
A New Municipal Wastewater Treatment Design
 At present, the vast majority of towns have no drainage and sewage treatment facilities. It will bring about great pollution in a number of small and medium-sized cities and towns, especially the small and medium-sized developed cities and towns. Pollution has affected people’s life and health.
A new town’s sewage treatment plant in Liaoning Province is designed. Sewage overall pumping stations and the designing of wastewater treatment plant, as well as the sludge treatment were included. Anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic simultaneously denitrogen and dephosphorus method were selected for sewage treatment technological process, that is   method. The quality of this area effluent is COD=300mg/L,BOD5=150mg/L,SS=150mg/L,TN=25mg/L,NH4+-N=30mg/L,pH=6-9. Sewage is mainly consisted of organic substance.The ratio of BOD to COD is 0.6. Its biodegradability is good.Heavy metals and other hard-biodegradable toxic pollutants don’t exceed the standart normally.The sewage disposal process is: the sewage →the screen →the pumping station →the grit pool →the preliminary settling tank →the secondary settling tank →the disinfection tank →discharged into the river. After the treatment of this craft, the disposal water quality will reach the Second Class Standard of Pollutant Discharge Standard of Urban Sewage Treatment Plant.After the disposal of concentration digestion,the sludge is made into mud-cake in the dehydration room and then it is removed. The mainly sludge treatment and disposal include reduction, stability, and resources. The anaerobic digestion, sludge composting and incineration of sludge are adopted in the sludge stabilization technology of sewage treatment plant. Sludge thickening, dewatering and incineration are the main technology of sludge volume reduction.

Key words: a sewage treatment plant,A2/O method,de-phosphorous

