

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




《麦田里的守望者》是美国著名作家杰罗姆•戴维•塞林格最杰出的作品之一。对这部作品采取的精神分析的主流方法是依照弗洛伊德或拉康的理论进行, 因为弗洛伊德和拉康的精神分析理论更注重个人内部的心理结构发展。
小说主人公霍尔顿的内心世界复杂, 其形成原因绝不是单一的。本文通过运用拉康的镜像关系阶段和主体认证理论等概念,着重研究导致其内心世界迷失的多层镜像关系;分析霍尔顿的性格变化、发展,并探讨他走向内心世界崩溃的过程。多层镜像关系包括家庭、他人意识、社会、自然等层面。他的自我不但与社会无法调和,而且自我与其本身也无法调和。这些虚幻的外界镜像使他最终迷失。


This study used the Lacan’s theory to analyze the psychological symptoms of Holden in J. D. Salinger’s The Cather in the Rye. This method can define how Holden developed and changed his intention or instinct. It was influenced by the reference he chose to recognize his identification, such as different mirror stages.
There would be five mirror stages in this thesis, self-identification mirror stage, the family mirror stage, the stage of other people’s invading consciousness invading,  the society mirror stage and the nature Stagestage. Consequently, these stages illustrated an important idea that the original intention of Holden would be challenged and changed when variety of new ideas invaded his belief in mental world.
Through analysis, we can have a better understanding of the characters’ psychological world. And the study would deepen the era significance: The teenager’s personality shaping process was is complicated and subtle. Thus we need to pay more attention to this phenomenon and make contribution to the healthily sound growth of teenagers’ psychology.

Key words: Holden, teenager, mirror stage, psychoanalysis.

