

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:随着新世纪全世界经济的迅速发展,各民族交往日益频繁,但是由于各个国家的历史源渊、文化传统、风土人情等各方面的不同,经常出现“言者竭尽全力,而听者不知所云”等现象。本文主要从称呼、谦逊和赞誉、社交应酬、身势语等方面阐述了中西交际文化的差异,及产生差异的原因。从而得出在跨文化交际中,要做到“入乡随俗”,根据不同的交际对象、不同时间、不同场合运用恰如其分的语言进行跨文化交际;同时,对不同的文化进行比较,取其精华,去其糟粕,培养跨文化交际的能力,才能减少跨文化交际的失误,消除文化信息传递的障碍,提高跨文化交际的质量。


The Difference of Courtesy Term in Cross-cultural Communication between China and Western Countries
Abstract:With the rapid economic development of the whole world in the new century, there are more and more frequent communications among different nations. As the result of the difference of the each national historical origin, the cultural tradition, the local conditions, social customs and body language and so on, the phenomenon” The word  does utmost, but the listener is unintelligible” often appears. This article attempts to probe into the differences between Chinese and Western social communication and its causes by analyzing the forms of addressing, complimenting and modesty, and social intercourse. Thus in the cause of cross-cultural communication everyone should do in Rome as the Romans do, and correct language should be used according to different communicative object, different time and different situation. Meanwhile we should take its essence, abandon its dregs comparing to different cultures to reduce the errors appeared in the cross-cultural communication and eliminate the barriers in the cultural information communication to improve the quality of the cross-cultural communication.
Key words:cross-cultural communicative difference; cause; illumination 

