

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

论文介绍了英汉互译实践中的分译法,以此试图解决翻译中出现的难题。在英汉互译时,人们经常会遇到各种难题: 译文不符合英语或汉语的表达习惯,句子太长不知如何下手。究其原因,主要还是没有运用合适的翻译方法。作者在前人研究的基础上,对分译法进行了初步研究,认为分译法主要表现为三种具体形式,即换序、断句和标点。作者收集了大量的英汉实例,通过对实例进行分析,说明分译法对处理长句等一类难译的问题尤其实用。同时文章认为:分译法这一概念将会进一步具体化,其表现形式也将会增多,在翻译实践中也将会得到更加广泛的应用。

On the Application of Division in Translation



This paper is to introduce a translation method called Division in Translation, which is often used in translation. We often meet with different kinds of difficulties in translation: the translated version is not in accordance with the common usage of the target language; the sentence is so long that we do not know where to start with and what exact meaning it has. The reason for this is that we have not mastered an appropriate translation method. Based on the studies of scholars and translators, this paper presents three main embodiments of Division in Translation, that is: inversion, splitting-off and punctuation, which are to be exemplified and analyzed with a lot of examples. Finally, the author holds that the concept of Division in Translation is to be more concrete in its embodiments and Division in Translation will be much more widely used in translating practice.

Key words: Division in Translation, inversion, splitting-off, punctuation

