

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

文章主要对《威尼斯商人》中的夏洛克这一人物形象进行了分析。他是一个在许多人眼里残暴、冷酷的威尼斯高利贷者,一直受到人们的嘲笑和唾弃。夏洛克是本剧的反面人物,这一点毫无疑问。通过对他在职业和家庭中所表现出来的性格进行分析,他自私又贪财,对家人冷漠无情。 然而,历史事实是,反犹主义在16世纪广为盛行,而莎士比亚把夏洛克作为典型的恶棍般的犹太高利贷者这样一个形象来塑造,使他成为一个真实可信的燃烧着复仇之火的犹太人。通过将这一人物放入他特定的社会背景进行分析,得出这样一个结论:他不是一个绝对的恶人。作为犹太人的夏洛克,他是种族歧视和宗教迫害的牺牲品,他身上所承载的不仅是个人的悲剧还有人性和种族的悲剧。对于笔者来说,同情他更多于痛恨他。他是一个富于荣誉感、感情充沛的人,他的内心长久以来郁结了基督徒们加之于他的强烈的羞辱感。

关键词:《威尼斯商人》, 夏洛克,反面人物,受害者
On Shylock in The Merchant of Venice

The thesis focuses on Shylock in Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice. He is just a miserly, cruel and coldhearted moneylender in the eyes of many people, who has long been laughed and scorned. There is no doubt that Shylock is the villain of the play. Through analyzing his character in profession and at home, he is selfish, avaricious and coldhearted to his family members. But the historical fact is that anti-Judaism was the trend in the sixteenth century. Shakespeare describes Shylock as a typical villainous Jewish moneylender who is full of the sprit of revenge. By analyzing this character in his specific social background, a conclusion is reached: he is not an absolute villain. As a Jew, Shylock is also a victim of racial recrimination and religious persecution. What he burdens is not only his individual tragedy but also one of his human nature and race. The author shows more sympathy than hatred to this figure. He is a proud and a passionate man who has long stored up in his heart the humiliation suffered at the hands of the hostile Christian world.

Key words: The Merchant of Venice, Shylock, villain, victim

