

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


商务委婉语的应用及其翻译Euphemistic Expressions in Business English and Their Translation

商务委婉语的应用及其翻译Euphemistic Expressions in Business English and Their Translation
【Abstract】 Euphemistic expressions are originally used to replace taboos related to religions and superstitions. With the advancement of civilization, the use of euphemism has been extended to all aspects of modern life. Business People in this competitive world use euphemism frequently with the aim to create mutually beneficial trading relationship. However, in China, as far as the study and application of euphemistic expression is concerned, there are no monographs or treatises. The papers concerning euphemistic expression usage mainly discuss the importance of English euphemism but do not teach people how to translate and use English euphemism while doing business. Therefore, translation of euphemism is a new subject that should be studied and explored. In this article the author tries to provide examples of how and when to use euphemistic expressions so as to achieve a remarkable success in business dealing and improve businessmen's cross-cultural awareness and communicative competence
【Key Words】 euphemistic expression, taboos, business communication, translation


【中文摘要】  委婉语最初是与和宗教迷信有关的禁忌语形影相随的。随着人类文明的进步 ,其使用范围逐步扩大到了现代生活的各个方面。在这个充满竞争的商务贸易世界里, 商务人士常使用委婉语以建立双方互利的贸易关系。然而在中国对于委婉语的翻译及应用的研究几乎还是一片空白,关于这一方面的专著极少,一些关于委婉语教学的论文也只是探讨了委婉语的重要性并没有提出如何适时,正确地使用和翻译。因此,商务委婉语翻译的方法和模式是一个有待研究和发掘的新课题。本文作者通过举例,对比等方式,诠释了商务委婉语的翻译和使用方法,旨在使各类商务交易能顺利进行并使商务人士实现提高跨文化意识和沟通交流的能力的愿望。

【关键词】 委婉语, 禁忌语,商务交流,翻译

