
Φ30 HDPE瓶盖注塑塑料模具设计

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Φ30 HDPE瓶盖注塑塑料模具设计
Φ30 HDPE瓶盖注塑塑料模具设计
摘要:HDPE作为瓶盖的主要原料,具有众多的优点。用HDPE作为瓶盖的主要原料,具有众多的优点,流动性好,溢边值小,尤其是当塑件有螺纹时,可强制脱螺纹。本人针对市场需要对塑件进行分析,设计了一套专门成型HDPE瓶盖的热流道注射模. 本文主要介绍以PA6树脂为原料制得塑料绕线轮的模具设计。采用注射成型,选用XS-ZY-125型注射机作为其成型设备。模具采用单腔两板式结构,对其浇注系统、排气系统、冷却系统、脱模机构、导向机构等进行设计。
Injection die design for the Ф30 cap mold of HDPE
Abstract:Use the HDPE conduct and actions a main raw material for covering, have numerous advantages . Use the HDPE conduct and actions a main raw material for covering, have numerous advantages.  Oneself aim at the market need to flow to the plastics a heat for proceeding analysis, designing a set of exclusively modeling a cover the way injects the mold. The main introduction of the plasticmould is that making the plastics reels which regard pounding at the type HDPE inside as the raw material. It adopts to inject to model and chooses the machine of injecting XS-ZY-125. The construction adopted of the plastics model tool is one model cavity with two planks, and design the system of injecting、the system of exhausting the gas、cooling system、the organization of taking off the mold、the organization of leading the direction.
Keyword:cover, hot runner, injection mold, HDPE

