

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

Analysis of the Reasons and Effects of the Violation of the Cooperative Principle in Online Conversations

This paper introduced the Cooperative Principle by Grice and a large number of researches on online conversation from the perspective of the CP, and then discusses the reasons and effects of the violation of the quantity and quality maxims in online conversations with examples. Then the paper analyses the reasons for the violation of quantity maxim and points out it is for avoiding privacy, offering help and gaining emotional feedbacks, and that as a result opinions are reserved and emotional consonance is achieved between the speakers; it also analyses the violation of the quality and points out is for having fun and for confuting a certain statement, and that as a result, the conversation becomes more humourous and better interaction are achieved in the conversations.
Key words: the Cooperative Principle; violation, quantity maxim; quality maxim


