

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

意义沉默在会话中具有丰富且深刻的含意,意义沉默的意义及其理解具有模糊和多元性的特点。文章以英语会话语篇中的意义沉默为研究对象,指出传统语用学中会话分析理论与格氏合作原则在解读意义沉默时存在着不足;在此基础上, 以Sperber和Wilson(1986)的关联理论为依据,对意义沉默的含义进行认知语用分析,包括:(1)意义沉默的信息意向与交际意向;(2)意义沉默的关联性与语境效果。文章最后指出意义沉默的有效解读需要语用学理论及其他相关知识在关联理论宏观调控下的互补性合作。


Pragmatic Interpretation of Significant Silence


Significant silence has its abundant and profound implicature in conversation. The meaning and interpretation of significant silence are vague and multidimensional. Focusing on the phenomenon of significant silence in English conversational discourse, this paper, in the light of Relevance Theory (Sperber&Wilson,1986), illustrates the pragmatic meaning of significant silence from cognitive linguistics, including: (1) informative & communicative intention of significant silence; (2) relevance and contextual effect of significant silence on the basis of the self-inefficiency of Conversational Analysis Theory and Grice’s Cooperative Principle in interpreting significant silence. Finally, it emphasizes that an effective interpretation of significant silence in conversation needs a complementary cooperation between pragmatics and other related disciplinaries under the overall guidance of Relevance Theory.

Key words: significant silence;pragmatics;Relevance Theory

