

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要



Characteristics of Ba Construction and Its Translation

Ba construction is a sentence pattern specific of modern Chinese. It is a pattern of active voice which uses “Ba” in front of the predicate verb to introduce the patient,conveying a construction meaning of disposal or causative. It has five characteristics as listed below: 1) focusing on the object of “Ba”, 2) predicate in the form of verb phrase, 3) the immobility of the object of “Ba” when the predicate verb has an object, or is followed by a prepositional phrase serving as the complement, 4) forbidding the access of modal verbs and negatives between “Ba” and the predicate verb, 5) influence on the people or thing that “Ba” introduces. Based the characteristics of Ba construction listed above, this paper proposes three translating methods. They are: 1) conveying the object of “Ba” into the subject, 2) transferring the object of “Ba” to the object of the verb, 3) replacing with English causative verbs. And at the end of the paper is a discussion of the compensation for the loss of context-dependant information of Ba construction in translation.

Key Words: Ba construction, characteristics, translation

