

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

     广告标语是广告中吸引读者的最有效的部分。为吸引读者, 打动读者, 并达到宣传目的, 广告语言不仅简洁精炼, 具有说服力, 而且语言生动优美, 独具魅力, 具有美学价值。本文将致力于研究广告标语的美学特征及其翻译方法,对广告标语语言蕴藏下的美学特征仔细剖析。首先,拟就从美学视角出发, 从形式、音韵和意境三个方面浅议广告英语的美学特征,这些是由千变万化的结构和修辞手法及其恰当的措辞所体现出来的,例如在词汇层面的修辞有押头韵、尾韵和拟声;在句法层面的有明喻、暗喻、拟声等等。最后作者把标语的特性和美学特征应用于标语的翻译之中,以便我们更好地欣赏并翻译广告标语。总的来说广告标语的翻译方法可以分为直译和意译。


Their Application in Translation

Advertising slogans are claimed to be, and are often proved to be, the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of products. This paper is dedicated to a study of the aesthetic features of advertising slogans and its effective translation. In this thesis, the aesthetic features hidden in language used in slogan will be analyzed separately so as to get a comparatively comprehensive understanding of the specialty of slogan. The author makes an attempt to explore aesthetic characteristics of slogans from three aspects, that is, sound, form, and image, which are characterized by correct diction, a variety of sentence constructions and frequent use of rhetorical devices, such as rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia in lexical level and simile, metaphor and personification in syntactic level. And then, from the aesthetic point of view, three features will be applied to the translation of slogan so that we may be able to appreciate and translate English slogan better. Translation skills of advertising slogan can be generally divided into literal translation and free translation.

Key words: advertising slogans, aesthetic characteristics, literal translation, free translation

