

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要:并购必然导致新的员工群体的形成, 或者说员工群体要进行新的组合。对被并购企业员工来说,进入新的群体, 容易产生焦虑、压抑、紧张和陌生等心理感受, 这种心理感受也必然要对员工的行为产生影响, 会给并购带来冲击。如果处理不好, 势必影响并购的成效。因此, 准确把握人力资源整合存在的危机, 按照科学的程序进行人力资源整合, 就显得格外重要。本文对并购的人力资源整合的理论做了相关探讨,通过描述企业并购的现状,分析了人力资源整合存在的问题,提出相对应的策略,使我国企业在并购活动能获得更多成功。
On the M & A in the human resources integratio

Abstract:The merger will inevitably lead to a new form groups of employ-ees, or groups of employees to a new combination. On the staff of the acquir-ed businesses into the new group, prone to anxiety, depression, and other psyc-hological tension and unfamiliar feelings of this kind of psychological feeling of the staff is bound to have an impact on behaviour, will give an impact on mergers and acquisitions. If handled properly, is bound to affect the effectivene-ss of mergers and acquisitions. Therefore, the accurate grasp of human resourc-es integration of the crisis, according to scientific human resources integration process, it becomes particularly important. living in this paper on the merger integration of human resources related to the theoretical study done through M & A description of the statusquo, of the integration of human resources, shoul-d be relative to the strategy, M & A activity in China's enterprises can be m-ore successful.

Key words: M & A; human resources integration

