

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:我国商业银行 市场风险 操作风险 信用风险 风险控制
In 2007, China's banking industry has now entered into a period of significant change and development. With the fully opening up of Money and Capital Market, the Chinese Money and Capital Market is rapidly joining into the global financial competition. China's financial markets gradually become the member of world wild financial markets, Chinese banks have to face more risks. That’s why risk management becomes more and more important. All these indicate that the competitiveness of China's banking industry has entered a new stage and the prime mission of Chinese Financial Market mainly focuses on enhancing international competitiveness. National Financial working session points that enhance the competitive of Chinese Commercial Banks depends on sound risk management system, so how to control the risks becomes an important point.
This paper from the perspective of risk management includes the following four parts:
Firstly, introduce the main idea of commercial bank’s risk.
Secondly, summarize the risk that commercial banks may be faced under the new circumstances.
Thirdly, discuss the possible causes of these risks refers to the writer’s view.
Fourthly, discuss the control strategy against these risks.

Key words:  commercial bank of China  market risk  operational risk 
credit risk  risk managements

目            录

一、商业银行风险概述 1
二、我国商业银行所面临的风险 1
(一)市场风险 1
(二)操作风险 2
(三)信用风险 3
二、风险成因分析 4
(一)认识上的不足 4
(二)制度上的不足 5
(三)技术上的不足 5
三、风险控制办法 6
(一)处理好风险控制过程中人的因素 6
(二)改进制度上的不足 7
(三)改进技术上的不足 8
结束语 9
参考文献 9


