

全文字数:4000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要 目的:评价电子血压计测量血压的准确性,以便在社区卫生服务点及家庭中推广使用,以减轻社区卫生服务点护理工作人员的工作量,缓解社区卫生服务点护士人力不足,不能满足社区护理服务的的局势。方法:选择200名住院病人,年龄在15~45岁,分别用Omron电子血压计与水银柱血压计测量血压,进行自身对照并比较两种测量结果有无统计学差异。结果:两种血压计测量结果差异无统计学意义( P > 0.05)。结论:Omron电子血压计测定血压可靠、方便、客观,有良好的应用前景,应该向社区卫生服务点及家庭推广,以缓解社区护士人力不足的局势。
关键词 社区护理;血压测定;电子血压计;水银血压计
  Abstract Objective: The accuracy estimating that the electron sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure's, is put into use to be extended in the community and the family, amount of work nursing a staff member's in order to lightening a community, the manpower relieving the community nurse is not worth being able to not satisfy community nursing service situation. Method: Inpatient who chooses 15 ~200 45-year-old's, the electron sphygmomanometer and the mercury sphygmomanometer measure blood pressure, carry out oneself collation and measure result comparatively two kinds respectively with Omron. Result: Blood pressure measures result difference two kinds there being no statistics significance (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The Omron electron sphygmomanometer is determine blood pressure reliably , convenient, objective, have fine application prospect, ought to be extended to community hygiene service point and the family, to relieve insufficient community nurse manpower situation.
The keyword community nurses; Blood pressure is determined; lectron sphygmomanometer; ercury sphygmomanometer

