

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要


A Comparison between Liusu Bai,the Protagonist in Love in a Fallen city, and Anna, the Protagonist in The Golden Notebook

Zhang Ailing and Doris Lessing, both of them are the most famous female writers in the world. Love in a fallen City is one of the most famous novels by Zhang and the story has a happy ending, which is rare in Zhang’s novels. The Golden Notebook is the representative novel by Doris Lessing and helps Lessing win the Nobel Prize in literature. This paper gives a brief introduction first to Zhang Ailing and her novel Love in a Fallen City, and then to Doris Lessing and her novel The Golden Notebook. Then a comparison is made between Liusu Bai and Anna. First their attitudes towards marriage are compared. To Liusu Bai, marriage helps bring her a stable and rich life and marriage is her career. To Anna marriage is not so important because she has a career to pursue. Liusu Bai’s attitudes towards marriage are influenced by the objective setting while Anna’s attitudes towards marriage are guided by her subjective female consciousness to be independent. What is the same for the two characters is that they had the same low social status and they both fight hard to pursue their happiness. To some extent comparing the two protagonists is to compare the two authors. Zhang and Lessing, one eastern writer and one western writer, what they share is their great sympathy for the suffering of the females. The two great female writers set the world women great examples to follow because they never stop fighting to be masters of their destiny. 
Key words: Love in a fallen City ; The Golden Notebook; Liusu Bai; Anna

