

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


论母语负迁移对英语教学的影响Influence on English Teaching from Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue


摘  要




Language transfer has been a central issue in second language acquisition at least a century. This thesis is mentioned that language transfer can be mainly classified as positive transfer and negative transfer. Positive transfer is the facilitation of the first language through its similarities language; while negative transfer is the influence of the first language, resulting from the dissimilarities between the first language and the target language. It is also emphasized that the negative transfer of mother tongue has become the main factor to interfere the English learners and language researchers in language learning or teaching. By analyzing the English teaching, author specifically pointed out that the negative transfer of mother tongue has negative impact on English teaching, listening comprehension, grammar teaching and English writing due to the different background of culture, habits and teaching approaches. By analyzing the causes of negative transfer of mother tongue and bad results, the author tries to give some suggestions to solve the problems we meet in English teaching so that both teachers and students could get inspiration or help from it. 

Keywords: negative transfer of mother tongue, English teaching, influence

