

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:人力资源是知识经济时代经济和社会发展的第一资源,一个国家和地区的人力资源现状及其开发和利用的程度,直接决定了该国在国际上的竞争力。建设人力资源强国是全面建设小康社会,推进中国社会主义现代化的重大举措。本文从人力资源的概念出发,通过对人力资源强国标准的界定,依据资料和数据,针对中国现存的人力资源质量偏低,结构失衡,区域布局不合理及相关机制不健全等问题,提出我国从人口大国转为人力资源强国的对策。


Abstract:The human resources are the first important resources of the national development in the era of knowledge economy . The present situation of human resources in a country has determined this country international competitive power directly.Constructing a powerful country of human resources is one of the significant actions to build a well-off society and advance the China socialism modernization.This article starting from the human resources concept, through to define the standard limits of powerful country of human resources, according to various information and data, analyzes the problem of human resources of China in terms of quality,structure,region layout,related mechanism and so on and then proposed the countermeasures to make our country transfer a powerful country of human resources from the country of large pepulation. 

Key words: Human Resources, The country of large population;
Powerful country of human resources

