

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Abstract:The Outsiders is one of the most famous bildungsromans that has caused wide public concern. This novel possesses high reputation in the world literature because it describes readers the vision in teenagers’ eyes which has great universality and profound realistic significance. These issues happen to echo with the term “the cause-and-effect theory of social facts” in the sociological theory of Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist. This thesis researches on the vision in teenagers’ eyes reflected in the novel, namely views on family, friendship and society, uses Emile Durkheim’s theory of social from aspects of individual, family and social factors to analyze the reasons, and calls for more care and attention to teenager’s coming-of-age.
Key words: The Outsiders;vision; causes; the cause-and-effect theory of social facts

摘  要:《局外人》是一部引起社会广泛关注的青少年成长小说,在世界文坛上享有极高的声誉。小说有力地表现了青少年眼中的世界,讨论的问题具有极大的普遍性和深刻的现实意义。这些社会问题恰好表现为法国社会学家埃米尔•涂尔干社会学中的社会事实这一概念。本文以小说中反映出的青少年眼中的世界,即对家庭,友谊和社会的看法为主体,运用涂尔干的社会事实因果理论从个人、家庭和社会三个角度来分析青少年眼中成像的原因,由此呼吁社会各界加强对青少年成长问题的思考与关注。

