

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Abstract:William Somerset Maugham is one of the most popular writer in the 20th century. The Razor’s Edge, one of his best-sellers, follows the spiritual and physical journey of Larry Darrell, a sensitive, intelligent young man who refuses to conform to the prevailing social norms of the American bourgeois class. The conflict of idealism and nihilism, as an everlasting paradox of life, compels Larry to reject materialism and pragmatism and steer to a different way of life. Larry’s efforts is a not an escape from the dilemma and dreary realities but a struggle to find a way out and break human bondages, a quest into the truth of life. This thesis deals with the idealism and nihilism interwoven in the protaganist’s personality from the following aspects. The first part is concerned about the protagonist’s quest for meaning in a meaningless world. The second part is devoted to the shine of his unswerving ideal breaking through the shadow of nihil seizing the protagonist. Finally, this thesis attempts to trace the protagonist’s journey of self-salvation from Nihilism to Idealism.
Key words: William Somerset Maugham; The Razor’s Edge;Nihilism; Idealism;self-salvation;self-realization

摘  要:《威廉•萨默塞特•毛姆是20世纪最受欢迎的作家之一。《刀锋》是他最畅销的小说之一,讲述了一位叫拉里•达雷尔的年轻人拒绝随波逐流融入美国上层阶级社会,而毅然选择游学四方、亲历生活,探求生命的意义。理想主义与虚无主义这对永恒矛盾促使拉里抛开尘世的物欲,转而追寻自我存在的价值。他做出的选择和付出的努力并非是为了逃离现实,而是力图挣脱命运的束缚,探索生命的真意。本文着重分析了主人公拉里人格中交织的理想主义与虚无主义思想,第一部分是关于小说主题的讨论,拉里对人生意义的探寻正是理想主义的引导,而他的淡泊名利正是虚无主义思想的作用。在此基础上,第二部分则致力于分析笼罩在拉里内心的虚无主义阴影以及引领他坚定前行的理想之光。该文在最后一部分解析主人公最终如何完成自我救赎以及自我实现。


