

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
本文运用文献资料、访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等研究方法对汨罗市白水镇篮球运动的开展现状进行了调查和研究,以期对我国乡镇篮球运动的发展提供参考依据。调查结果显示汨罗白水镇篮球运动受欢迎程度高,有良好的群众基础,群众参与热情高,经常有篮球比赛活动,这些成功的经验在于:1.社区为群众营造了良好篮球氛围,创造了良好的篮球竞赛环境,从而拥有了良好的篮球基础;2.通过不断的摸索,发现了有自己特点的人才培养模式;3.自发建立了篮球管理组织,管理十分有序。汨罗市白水镇篮球运动开展对我国的启示是:1.提高群众基础是促进篮球运动发展的必要途径;2 .良好的人才培养模式是使得篮球运动能得以延续的重要原因;3.篮球竞赛的开展能激发起人们对篮球活动的热情;4.篮球活动的稳定开展跟稳定的经费来源密不可分。

Carrying out basketball game in Baishui Town, MiLuo City giving the inspiration to the development of basketball game in villages and towns of China.

Basketball is the most favorite sport for the people in villages and towns, and also it occupies a very important position. Studying the development of basketball This article takes the BaiShui Town of the MiLuo city as example, we study the status of the basketball sport in community by using documents, interviews, surveys, statistics and other methods for seek more successful experience in MiLuo where the basketball sport is now well under way. The investigation shows that people have high popularity of basketball sport, good foundation of basketball knowledge and high enthusiasm  for participation in basketball game, frequent competition for basketball, these successful experience lies in:1.The community creats a good atmosphere and a good competition environment for basketball sport, which has a good foundation for develop the game.2.Through continuous exploration and found that the characteristics of its own training systems in develop basketball game 3.People spontaneously established the basketball management organization, and runs it very well. This example tells us a very good idea and advice to develop the basketball game in community. 1. Enhance the foundation is to promote basketball development of the necessary means;2. Good personnel training mode is to make basketball the continuation of the important reasons;3. Basketball competition will stimulate the development of people's passion for basketball activities;4. Basketball activities with the stability in stable source of funding are inseparable.

Key words
community, basketball game, inspiration

