

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:本文将以我国保险行业欺诈问题为研究对象,通过投保人欺诈、保险代理人欺诈以及保险人欺诈三个方面的内容总结我国保险行业欺诈行为的表现形式,归纳出诱发保险欺诈行为的各方面原因,在此基础上,借鉴国外保险欺诈治理的一些先进经验和技术,结合我国特殊的文化环境及保险业发展的现实状况,从规范保险公司业务体制、进行法制宣传、加强执法力度、开展行业合作,构建反保险欺诈机构等方面为我国保险行业反欺诈提出一些对策和建议。
Study on the Insurance Fraud in China

Abstract: this article will study of the insurance fraud of China’s insurance industry, by analyzing the manifestations of insurance fraud in China from three aspects: fraud of the insured, fraud of insurance agent and fraud of insurance company, and then sum up the reasons for insurance fraud. By studying some good experience and technology dealing with insurance fraud of foreign country and considering the cultural environment in our country and the development of the reality of our insurance industry, put forward proposals to deal with China’s insurance fraud.
Key words: insurance fraud; double insurance; insurance agents


