
映照与偏离 —— 论《离开科罗诺斯之路》与《俄狄浦斯在科罗诺斯》

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


映照与偏离 —— 论《离开科罗诺斯之路》与《俄狄浦斯在科罗诺斯》


Edward Morgan Forster (1987-1970) was a famous English novelist, short story writer and essayist in 20th century. As a modern writer, Forster liked overseas travels which widened his view of the world and affected his writing deeply. Although The Road from Colonus is a short story written by E. M. Forster in his early literary career, it is worth being discussed for its accordance with Forster' s major settings(Greece, Italy and India) and thoughts. It is especially significant to compare this short story with Oedipus at Colonus by Greek tragedian Sophocles(c.497-406B.C.) because they share paralleling structure and characters, but end in different ways. Therefore, this thesis adopts the basic approaches — plot, characters and symbols, as well as the unique angle of gods discussion, to make the comparisons between the two works clear and meaningful. The mirrorings in the two works are functioned as preparations for their departures in their meanings. While the mirriorings are external, the ironic departures in the modern story from the ancient tragedy are the true focus. In this way, the comparison made between the Greek tragedy and modern story provides us with broad insights into the themes of society and the essence of human beings. These are also the focus of E. M. Forster who reflects not only on the modern relationship between father and daughters in the short story, but also between man and man, between man and nature, and between man and gods in a broader sense.

Key Words: Comparisons, The Road from Colonus , Oedipus at Colonus
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