

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



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   农村地区学生口语学习的动机以工具型为主;态度:普遍轻视口语的重要性;目标:超过90%的学生对口语学习有个模糊的目标--希望能说一口流利的口语;努力程度:不到10% 的学生在课下自主练习口语。

A Study on Motivation of Junior High Students Learning to Speak in Rural Areas
   Motivation has long been within the concern of second language learning, however, specific researches, on junior school students in rural areas, with respect to oral English learning are rare. Therefore, I think it would be useful for oral English teaching in rural areas to make such empirical study.
   The present thesis questionnaires and interviewes70 junior school students at Huang Sheng Middle School, aiming to learn the types of motivation of students; their attitude, goal for spoken English, endeavors paid to achieve their learning purpose, efforts on learning performance, and relationship between those factors and performance of spoken English.  
The main findings:
    Students in rural areas motivate to speak instrumentally; Goal: above 90% of the students have a vague goal for spoken English--speak fluently; Attitude: spoken English is generally ignored; Endeavor: less than 10% of the students practice spoken English actively. 
    The data show a different fact that the type of motivation is related to the academic performance indirectly; the goal, mainly as a wish, has limited influence on academic performance; positive attitude determinately affects endeavor and thus affect the final learning performance.
Key words: motivation; oral English learning; rural areas; oral English teaching

