

全文字数:3500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词  非个性化理论,艺术情感,传统,客观对应物
On T. S. Eliot’s Impersonal Theory of Poetry               

T. S. Eliot was an important figure people cannot ignore when they read and think about the history of literature in the western world, especially the period stepping across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; and his influence, as any other greatest writers, is still to be felt even today. In Tradition and the Individual Talent,Eliot proposes and elaborates his highly influential impersonal theory. His impersonal theory is not a performance of emotion, but to escape feelings; poetry is not an expression of individuality, but to avoid personality. This essay will focus on three concepts, which are the art emotion, tradition and objective correlative. The impersonal theory produces a far-reaching impact on modern and contemporary poetry and literary theory development. This view to contemporary literary criticism and creation still has important guiding significance and worth of studying continuously.

Keywords  impersonal theory, the art emotion, tradition, objective correlative


