

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



The present paper concerns itself with one advanced teaching method ----- Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL), based on the theories of communicative construction as well as Deway’s “education is live”, dealing with some existing problems of English learning caused by oriental and traditional teaching method, revealing the necessity for the teacher to adopt the advanced teaching method which will improves the efficiency of English learning from the part of students. The writer insists that English learning is a very sophisticated process and different teaching methods used in class should meet the need of the society. The writer made a comparison between traditional teaching method and CTL teaching, analyzing both methods in aspect of definition, principle, teaching procedures, outcomes and so on. Results of comparison proved that the traditional teaching method laid so much stress on grammars and vocabularies that they neglected to train students to use the language in contexts. Consequently, students couldn’t satisfy the requirement of the Knowledge Economy Age for lack of practical language skills. It is proposed in the thesis that teacher should help develop the students’ language ability on the basis of their interest, experiences and cognitive level, so as to make the language learning as a process for the students of showing their innate ability, forming a positive attitude, thinking actively and practicing actively. The writer also mention that in order to motive students’ enthusiasm toward English learning in class, teachers should attach much more attention on the problem of creating suitable English learning environment. If teachers would aware the change of personal requirement of the society and are willing to adopt Contextual Teaching and Learning, the English leaning process will become more effective, rewarding and meaningful.

Key words: teaching method, contextual teaching and learning, English learning environment, communication, participation

     长期以来,初中英语教学在应试教育的压力下,教师采用的教育方法大多是注重语法和词汇的讲解和教授,而忽视学生在英语课堂上的主体地位,以及学生在实际生活中对英语的运用。我们应该知道,传统的教育方式已跟不上知识经济时代的发展需要,不能适应时代对人才培养的要求。本文试从有关交际英语的文献研究入手,紧紧围绕英语作为外国语这一特点,结合我国初中英语发展的实际情况,通过观察体现时代特色的英语情景化教学理论,讨论情景化教学中关于情境创设的问题。文章将传统的教学方法和情景化教学进行对比,试图指出传统教学所带来的一系列问题,强调要通过改革教学方法来提高学生学习英语的热情和兴趣,进而提高整体的英语教学水平,克服现存的诸多不足。 本文希望能帮助初中英语教师走出传统教学模式的束缚,真正解放教师的创造力,使英语成为一门艺术。

关键词: 教学方法,情景化教学,教学环境,交际,参与性

