

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
运用文献资料法、比较分析法、问卷调查、专家访谈法和统计法等方法,对怀化学院教师亚健康现状进行调查与分析,了解了怀化学院教师亚健康现状及其形成原因,并合理制定相应的运动处方。研究显示,怀化学院教师亚健康现患率为62.50%,其中40岁~49岁年龄阶段的教师达到最高患率为90.30%(男86.60%,女93.70%),呈现两头高,中间低的趋势;怀化学院教师亚健康主要表现为身体亚健康、心理亚健康 和社会适应能力三方面,其中身体亚健康表现最为突出。本文针对这些现象,制定合理的运动处方,为怀化学院教师摆脱亚健康提供依据,为怀化学院高教事业可持续发展提供保障。 

Analysis of Subhealth on Teacher of Huaihua College And Design of Exercise Prescriptions

This paper presents an investigation and analysis on the sub-health status of the teachers in Huaihua college by using literature materials .questionative survey.comparation analysis and statistics.The research indicate that 62.5% interviewee have sub-health and 90.3% interviewee between the age of 40 to 49 have sub-health (male 86.6% female 93.7%).It tends to higher percent among the young and the old and lower percent in the middleaged .The sub-health of the teachers in Huaihua college lies in physical sub-health .psychological.sub-health and the social adaptability and the major problem lies in physical sub-health .The reasonable execercise prescriptions are presented to aim at the phenomenon,which can solve the problem and secure the continuous development of the higher education of Huaihua college .

Key words
Teachers of huaihua college ;sub-health ;exercise prescription.

