

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




An Application of Etiquette in Business Greeting


As the rapid development of global economy and pluralistic society, business activities between different countries and regions have become increasingly frequent. So does the communication between people from different parts of the world. The success of business activities is determined by many factors while greeting, as the first step in any business activity plays an important role in them. Greeting is also an indispensable part of business etiquette, and it should receive due attention. Effective greeting involves such aspects as mutual understanding of communicators' cultural background, customs and etiquette, which can guide people perform excellently and thus contribute to the success of business. This article begins with the features, principles and importance of business etiquette. Then, based on the cultural difference between China and America, it analyses their difference in business greeting. Then the thesis comes up with advices on how to use etiquette in face-to-face greeting and none-face-to-face greeting including phone call and E-mail etiquette.

Key words: business greeting; difference between China and America; application of business etiquette


