

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


从人物塑造解读《达洛维夫人》与《半生缘》中的女性意识摘要: 传统的文学作品当中,男性一直被作为叙述主体、历史创造者来描述,女性通常被应用为起反衬作用的参照物,极少被作为单独的个体。在二十世纪,开始有部分女性作家萌生女性意识,开始将视角投向女性人物,关注女性的生存状态、心理状态并对女性的人生价值进行思考。在英国,比较具有代表性的女性作家有弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫,在中国有时期较伍尔夫稍晚的张爱玲。本文主要围绕“成为自己”的女性意识论述,通过解释女性意识以及在中外女性意识的异同,进一步深入到这两位作家的两部著作《达洛维夫人》和《半生缘》,对其中的女性人物,克拉丽莎和顾曼桢,从正面分析她们“成为自己”的女性意识;并从反面,分析著作中的男性人物沃什和世均,通过对这些男性人物动作、心理的理解,分析他们对作品女性意识的反衬作用。从而在整体分析著作中体现的“成为自己”女性意识的基础上,对比女性在萌生“成为自己”意识并因之为自己的命运挣扎的结局的异同。通过比较我们进一步感受到中西方女性意识产生为现当代社会带来的发展,以及中西方表达女性意识的文学作品的内在精神契合。
A Study on Female Consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway and Eighteen Springs with an Analysis of Characterization
Abstract: In traditional literature, males are usually presented as the subject of narration, while female roles were set off by contrast so that males can be described more masculist. Early in the twentieth century, some female writers started to focus on female characters when they wrote. Those female characters exerted influences on people at that time including both males and females by showing the living condition, mental environment and values of females that were ignored for a long time. Virginia Woolf and Eileen Chang are the two representative female figures that can not be ignored in England and China. Female consciousness theory is the culture derivation of the western feminist movement. For female writers they just want to awake female consciousness of female group. It is necessary for women to find self-worth and self-realization by themselves. With illustration and analysis, the thesis explores female self-worth and self-realization in the novels of Virginia Woolf and Eileen Chang. With the exchange of the orient culture and the western culture, Eileen Chang experienced a time of cultural shock. Thus the progress in which the main female character in Eighteen Springs struggle for her own destiny leads to a tragedy. We try to find the differences and similarities about the inner spirit between Chinese and western literary works of the female consciousness through this thesis, and makes a comparison of their female consciousness with regard different cultures.
Keywords: Mrs. Dalloway; Eighteen Springs; Characterization; Female Consciousness

