

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


[摘 要]  中小企业是我国经济中最具有活力和创新能力的部分,已经成为中国经济的重要组成部分。但现如今也看到,在中小企业层出不穷涌现的同时很多中小企业在发展过程中的表现不尽人意。不少中小企业在挖到“第一桶金”就停滞不前,只是拥有短暂的辉煌后很快就倒下了。在这一背景之下,为了使湖口豆豉厂能更好地突破发展中的瓶颈,也为了让湖口豆豉厂能得到长足的发展,因此在分析制约湖口豆豉厂的发展瓶颈时,本文中采用内外环境分析方法和SWOT分析的方法进一步解决豆豉厂的发展瓶颈,通过两种方法的分析,可以使豆豉厂的融资渠道更广泛,管理更合理,营销模式更先进等。同时通过差异化的战略和更好的营销战略进一步打开外部市场,从而使企业能拓宽发展渠道,并得到更广阔的发展。
[关键词]  中小企业;豆豉厂;发展瓶颈;对策分析
The Development Bottleneck and Countermeasure Analysis of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
—The Case of Hukou Salt Black Soybean Factory
Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are the most robust and innovative part in national economy which are playing an important role in Chinese economy. However, we should note one fact that many SME have unsatisfactory performance even if more SME enterprises are springing up endlessly. In fact, though a good many SME enterprises come to a standstill after getting their “first pot of gold”, they collapse only after a brief period of prosperity. Against this background this paper carried out analysis of the development bottleneck of Hukou Salt Black Soybean Factory, so that the factory could break the bottleneck and make significant process in future. This paper used internal and external environment analysis and SWOT analysis to solve development bottleneck. Through analysis of the two methods, the factory would have more explicit financial management, more extensive financing channels as well as more advanced marketing models. Meantime, the factory could further break into the external market by differentiation strategy as well as marketing strategy. Thereafter, the factory would broaden its development channels and have more promising future.
Key words: SME; Salt Black Soybean Factory; development bottleneck; countermeasure analysis

